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useful English idiomatic expressions
„1. “Break the ice” Meaning: To start a conversation or make people feel more comfortable. Example: “To break the ice at the party, I said hello“
It Snowed last Night
„It snowed last night (about 4 inches of wet, heavy snow), so this morning at ... 8:00 am - I made a snowman. 8:10 - A feminist passed by and“
„We hang petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. Aesop, Greek slave & fable author Those who are too smart to engage in“
60 Years Marriage
„This is how 60 Years of Love and Dedication looks like “
Examination at the doctor
„A man comes to the doctor and complains, "doctor, I`m not feeling well at all." During the examination, the doctor asks about the love life. The“
Happy New Year!
„Promise By Jackie Kay Remember, the time of year when the future appears like a blank sheet of paper a clean calendar, a new chance. On thick“

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