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An unforgettable experience in London

Von fleurbleue 16.04.2023, 12:50 – geändert 16.04.2023, 13:49

Only two months left until I would return to Germany. Time to earn some more money as I was dreaming of that beautiful soft and warm coat I had seen in a Bond Street shop window.
I had even dared to enter this exquisite shop to try on the expensive coat, without knowing if I would ever be able to pay it.

That’s why I every day studied the ads in the box on the street corner, until one morning a special one caught my eye:
"Young lady with knowledge of German wanted for general office work. Telephone no. 737373"

Yes, that's it, I thought, and went to the nearest phone box.
A male voice answered:
"Please, can I help you?" I referred to the advertisement and was promptly asked for an interview.
"Okay, tomorrow, at 3 p.m. at the Café Mozart in 80, Piccadilly," the voice said kindly.
I knew this well-frequented place in the evening, but at this early time there was only an old lady sitting here stirring her tea.
In one corner sat a fine gentleman who just saw me come in.
He must have seen that I was the one he was expecting, because he immediately rose and came to meet me. He asked me to come to his table, where an open folder lay beside his teacup. He asked my name with a smile and wanted to know what I was doing in London at the moment.
"I'm German, I learned English here and passed my Cambridge exam. But now I still need a job".
He wrote something in his notebook, stood up and excused himself.
"I have to make a phone call."

Meanwhile, I leafed through the folder that contained a lot of handwritten forms. On each form was a photo of a girl, her name, place of residence, date of birth and nationality, as well as hair colour and body measurements such as height, bust size, waist and hip size.
I was getting quite nervous. Colour of hair, body measurements? All this was more than suspicious to me.
And without any hesitation, I jumped up, grabbed my bag and left the café as quickly as I could.
I turned into the next side street, leaned against a house wall and gasped for air ...

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