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Pure Magie

Von KrisNorden Samstag 30.03.2024, 14:16

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On Broadway (Live) - George Benson

They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway
They say there's always magic in the air
But when you're walking down that street
And you ain't had enough to eat
The glitter rubs right off and you're nowhere

They say the women treat you right on Broadway
But looking at them just gives me the blues
'Cause how you gonna make some time
When all you got is one thin dime
And one thin dime won't even shine your shoes

They say I won't last too long on Broadway
I'll catch a Greyhound bus for home, they all say
But they're dead wrong, I know they are
'Cause I can play this guitar
And I won't quit til I'm a star on Broadway

I won't quit til I'm a star on Broadway
No, no, no, no
I won't quit til I'm a star on Broadway

Do do do do...

Songwriter: Cynthia Weil / Barry Mann / Jerry Leiber / Mike Stoller

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