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Let The Wind Blow

Von KrisNorden 10.03.2024, 18:36

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Beach Boys - Let The Wind Blow - Live, '72-'73 Tour

Let the wind blow
Let the grass grow
But don't let her go

Don't take her out of my life
Don't take her out of my life

Let the moon glow
(Let the moon glow)
(On the fallen snow)
On the fallen snow
(Let the moon glow)
(On the fallen snow)

But I just got to know
(Let me please know oh oh oh)
Know she'll be a part of my life
Know she'll be a part of my life

Let the bees make honey
Let the poor find money
Take away their sorrows
Give them sunshine tomorrow

But don't take her out of my life
Don't take her out of my life
What would I do without her tell me now

Let the bird sing
With the coming spring
Let the church bells ring
Let the rain fall
Let the grass grow
Let the moon glow
On the fallen snow

But don't take her out of my life
Please keep her a part of my life

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