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Been there, it is painful.

Von almendra Donnerstag 02.05.2024, 22:54 – geändert Donnerstag 02.05.2024, 22:55

Today, I had to say goodbye to my dearest daddy. Sunday's party was a happy blur, but it was also my farewell. A fever hit me that night, and despite cuddles and care, things got worse. By Tuesday, I couldn't control myself anymore.
At the vet, hope crumbled. My blood work showed a steep decline, and the playful puppy within me was fading. The playful puppy within me was fading. Dad knew what he had to do. There were expensive treatments, but they were temporary solutions, ones we'd tried before.
The most painful decision a pet parent can make, Dad chose to let me go peacefully. No more pain, that's my promise. He took my collar, a silent reminder of the love we shared. Though heartbroken, Dad vowed to honor me by giving another beagle a loving home.
From the bottom of my playful heart, thank you for everything. You were the best family a dog could ask for. The memories we made will forever bring a smile, even to my doggy heaven

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